Marco Benevento and his band—bassist Karina Rykman and drummer Dave ‘DB’ Butler—had their sold out two night run at Levon Helm Studios on March 27-28 postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the spirit of lemons and lemonade, Benevento cracked open the multi-track recordings from last year’s show at Levon’s barn and spent the past several days mixing and mastering the 16-song, 100+ minute set.
Those recordings have been released today as ‘Levon’s 3/9/19’ via Bandcamp, the beloved indie music destination who’ve waived all revenue shares for the next 24 hours to support musicians being impacted by lost work during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Benevento is also offering via Bandcamp a limited edition “homemade” cassette of the show, which he’ll dub one by one, while designing each one of a kind insert by hand.
‘Levon’s 3/9/19’ is available now! | Lemonade