The 2014 CMJ Music Marathon has added over 700 more artists to this year’s epic roster, including A Place To Bury Strangers, The Bright Light Social Hour, Hockey, Night Riots, Ratking, Shark?, SKATERS, Wild Adriatic and so many more.
The line-up already features performances by The Kills, Bombay Bicycle Club, Cold War Kids, The Horrors, Reigning Sound, Moon Taxi, Hunters, Gerard Way, Courtney Barnett, and Potty Mouth.
Boasting “80 venues, 1,300 artists, and 125,000 fans”, this year’s music marathon will take over New York City and Brooklyn from October 21st-25th. Register here!
New Artist Additions:
#1s * 1 Way Tkt * ⅔ Goat * 75 Dollar Bill * 88 Balaz * A Love Like Pi * A Place To Bury Strangers * A-bones * ABSTRAKTO * Acemo * Adiós Ghost * Adult Jazz * Aeon Rings * Ages and Ages * Alana Amram and the Rough Gems * Alexz Johnson * AltoPalo * Aly Tadros * Alyson Greenfield * Amanda X * Americans UK * Andrea Balency * Animal Years * Anna Haas + The Effect * Anthony D’Amato * Apolline * APSPDR+ DJ Set * Arc Iris * Archie Powell & The Exports * Argonaut & Wasp * Armand Margjeka * Arms + Sleepers * Astral Swans * At The Moment * Aviator * Ayler Young * AyoINMotion * BAAM * Baby Alpaca * Baby Guru * Bailiff * Barkhouse * Basic Shapes * Battle Maiden * Be Forest * Beautiful Ground * Beautiful Small Machines * Beecher’s Fault * Beliefs * Belle Adair * Belle Mare * Benjamin Cartel * Benjamin Clementine * Benjamin Verdoes * The Beverleys * Big Harp * Bikini Carwash * Bishop Nehru * The Black Black * Black Black Black * Black Pistol Fire * Blacktop Daisy * Blake Brown & the American Dust Choir * Bliss Blood and Al Street * Blockhouses * Blood Shots * BLSHS * Blue Hawaii * Bo Ningen * Bobby McGrath & the Brothers * Bor * Bordeen * Born Again Virgins * The Bowery Riots * BOYTOY * BRAEVES * Breakfast In Fur * Bree and The Whatevers * Brett Harris * Brett Newski * Brian Marsella’s Imaginarium * Bridget Davis&The Viking Kings * The Bright Light Social Hour * The Britanys * Brook Pridemore * Buffalo Stack * Buffalo Sunn * Buggaboo * Bugs in the Dark * Burning Palms * Cadaver Dogs * The Cairos * Caitlin Harnett * Calling All Cars * Canon Logic * Cantina * Carbon Mirage * Cariad Harmon * Carousel * Carroll * Cassandra Jenkins * The Castle Walls * Casual Sex * Catch Fever * Catey Shaw * Ceramics * The Cerny Brothers * Chairlift (DJ Set) * Charly Bliss * Cheerleader * Chimes * The Chloes * Chris Farren * Christines * Circa Waves * Clam * Clementine and the Galaxy * Cleo T. * Coldair * Colony House * Colour of London * Comrade Question * The Continuums * Controller * Conveyor * The Corduroy Suit * The Courtesy Tier * The Crookes * Curøn * CYMBALS * Cynthia Marie * Daddy Long Legs * Damen Samuel * Dan Berry Band * Dances * Darlingside * Dave Farah * David Lynch Burlesque * David Paige * David Pollack * Daywalkers * The Dead Ships * Dead Stars * Dead Waves * Dear Boy * DEGA * The Delta Riggs * Demi Louise * The Demos * DeStorm Power * The Devyl Nellys * The Dig * DIIV * Dilly Dally * Dinosaur Feathers * Dirty Dishes * Dirty Lungs * Dirty Nil * Distoria * DJ Decktonic * DJ Dev Hynes * DJ Ipod Ammo * dj MDO Mgmt * DOOMSQUAD * Dorine Levy * DOTT * Doug Gillard * DownBeat Keys * Dreamers * DRGN KING * Drop Electric * Due Dilligence * Dusted * East Cameron Folkcore * East Forest * Echo Bloom * Eddie & the Hotrods * Eden Mulholland * Elle King * Emily Wolfe * Emma Russack * Empire Beats * Enemy Planes * Enola Fall * Erel Pilo * Eric & Aaron * Eric Zayne * Erin & The Wildfire * ERNEST ELLIS * etiquette * Eve Lesov * Every Flavor Weather Machine * The Everymen * Evolfo Doofeht * Ex-Breathers * Fai Baba * The Family Crest * Fancy Colors * Fascinator * Featherface * The Felix Culpa * Fictionist * The Field Effect * Fielded * The Figgs * Fiona Silver * Fire Walk With Me * First You Get The Sugar * Fishing * Fixutres * The Flag * Flagland * Flashlight * Flashlights * Flavor Raid * The Flavr Blue * Floating Action * Flowers * Fly Moon Royalty * Foreign Resort * Foreign Tongues * Fort Lean * Fractures * Francis Cone * French Style Furs * Friendly People * Frogbelly & Symphony * The Future Laureates * Future Loves Past * Gabe Kubanda * Gal Pals * Gallant * Geronimo! * Ghost Punch * GHXST * Girl Pilot * Girlpool * glish * Go Back to the Zoo * Go Wolf * Gold Lake * Golden Alphabet * Golem * goodbyemotel * gossling * Grandchildren * Grassfight * Graveyard Lovers * Great Ceasar * The Green Seed * Greg Oliveras * Greigh Wolfe * Gringo Star * The Grizzled Mighty * The Grownup Noise * Grundle Thunder * Gulp * Gunakadeit * Guy Blakeslee * Gypsy George * Ham Sandwhich * Handsome Ghost * Hani Zahra * Happy Fangs * Happy Lives * Happyness * Haunting Renditions * Have Mercy * The Hawks (Of Holy Rosary) * Heart of Darkness * HEAVEN * Heavenly Beat * Heavy Birds * Hectorina * Hek * Heliotropes * Henry Hill * Hey Anna * The High Dials * High Highs * HIGHS * HITS * Hockey * Holiday * Holiday Mountain * Honduras * Hoodlem * Hôtel Morphée * Howard * Howling Bells * HSY * Human Hearts * Hundreds * The Hunting Party * Immigrant Union * In Between * In-Flight Safety * Inland Traveler * Invisible Days * Invisible Familiars * Iska Dhaaf * The Ivorys * J and the 9s * J Fernandez * Jack and Eliza * James * Janna Pelle * Jared & The Mill * Jason Masi * Jay Stolar * The Jeanies * Jessica Caplan * JJ Rosa * Joe Marson * John Nolan * Johnny Aries * Jon Chinn * Journalism * JoyCut * Julia Weldon * Julian Rhine * Juniper Rising * Jupe Jupe * Just A Gent * Juston Stens & The Get Real Gang * K Phillips * Kal Marks * Karl S. Williams * Kat Quinn * Kat Wright * Kate Miller-Heidke * Katie Buchanan * The Kickback * The Kickdrums ft. Duckwrth * Kid In the Attic * Kiirstin Marilyn * King Holiday * Kings * Kiss Me Deadly * The Kite String Tangle * The Knocks * The Kokoro * Krill * Kristoffer & The Harbour Heads * L.A Witch * La La Lush * Laura Cole Band * Lauren O’Brien * Lay Low * Lazer Cake * The Lazys * Le Galaxie * Le Rug * The Lesson ft. Gentei Kaijo * Letters to Nepal * Leverage Models * Lia Ices * Lia Mice * LIFE * Light Therapy * Like Swimming * Lilly Wolf * Lily & the Parlour Tricks * Lisa Bianco * Literature * Little Daylight * Little May * Little Racer * The Living Kills * The Liza Colby Sound * Loaf Gang * Lobby * Long Faces * Longfellow * The Looking * Lost Boy? * Love X Stereo * Low Fat Getting High * Luke Elliot * Luke Sweeney * LUMPS * Lydia * M. Lockwood Porter * Mackenzie Shivers * Mainland * Maps For Travelers * Marathon * Marco With Love * Marcus Alan Ward * Margaret Glaspy * Mark Mack * MaryLeigh Roohan * Matt Butler * Matt Romagna * Me Chinese * Meghann Wright * Mel Childs * Meleana Cadiz * Memoryy * Mexican Slang * Mezzoforte * Michael Persall * Michelle Newman * Milezo * Miniboone * Mira Stroika * Mirk * Mirror Kisses * Miwok * Modern Rivals * Monokino * Monomyth * The Montauk Project * Moon Royalty * Mosco Rosco * MOTHXR * Motopony * Mount Sharp * The Muscadettes * Muuy Biien * Mystery Skulls * Natalie York * The National Parks * Native America * Needle Points * The Nepotist * New Myths * New Navy * The New Tarots * Nic Hanson * Nicholas Nicholas * Night Drive * Night Riots * No Way Josie * Noble Kids * The Noise FM * NoPop * Northern American * Nostalghia * Nova & The Experince * Nox Boys * Nude Beach * Nytyly * OCAD * The Ocean Blue * The Ocean Party * Oh Land * Oh, Cassius! * Okapi Sun * Okenyo * Oko Tygra * Old Monk * Olga Bell * OLYA * Opus Orange * Oracles * Orchestra Of Spheres * OWEL * OXBLVD * Oxford & Co. * Oy Vey * Pageantry * Painted Zeros * Palm Ghosts * Pants Velour * The Paperhead * Papermaps * Paperwhite * Party Boat * Partylights * Paul Collins Beat * Pekky * Penicillin Baby * Personal Space * Phebe Starr * Photay * Pinact * Plaid Brixx * The Planes * The Please Please Me * Pompeii * Ponyhof * Poor Remy * Poor Young Things * Popstrangers * pow wow! * Prehab * Prettiots * The Prettiots * Prince Rupert’s Drops * Prom Body * Prospector * Psychic Twin * Public Speaking * The Purslaines * Quasi Fae * Quincy Vidal * Rachel Lynn * Rachel Potter * Racoon Fighter * Radical Dads * Rainy Milo * The Rally * Random Recipe * The Rare Occasions * Ratking * Ravens and Chimes * Ravin’ Symone * Rayvon Owen * The Receiver * The Recordettes * Red Gretchen * Red Oblivion * Reggie Williams * Reputant * Rescuer * Residual Kid * Richie Quake * The Rip * Rocket & The Ghost * Rocket and the Ghost * The Rooks * Room Full of Strangers * Rootwords * Roz & The Ricecakes * RSNY * Ruby the Rabbitfoot * Run Forever * Ry X * Ryan Hobler * S * SAFIA * Sanders Bohlke * Sarah McGowan * Sariah * Saskwatch * Satorii * Schizophonia * Sea Pinks * Secret Colours * Secret Someones * Selena Garcia * Semicircle * September Girls * Setting Sun * The Shackeltons * Shaheed & DJ Supreme * Shaprece * Shark Week * Shark? * Sharkmuffin * Shayna Leigh * She Keeps Bees * Shiloh * Shilpa Ray * Shirley House * Sid Sriram * Silverteeth * Simian Ghost * SIMONA * Simona Green * SKATERS * Skull Practitioners * Skunkmello * SKYROADS * Slang King * The Sleepy Zzz * Slim Dollars * Slim Wray * Snack Cat * Snir Yamin * Solander * Soldier’s Heart * Soldout * Solids * Somebody’s Darling * Son of an Illustrious Father * Sophie Hanlon * Sorcha Richardson * Soul Khan * Spender * Sphynx * Spires * Splashh * Spookyland * St. Lenox * Stellar Young * Stone Cold Fox * Strange Kids * Strange Names * STRNGRS * Stroamata * Suburban Living * The Suffers * Sugarbad * The Suits * Sunflower Bean * Sunset Guns * The Susan * Swampa_ZZ * Sweet Soubrette * Sylvana Joyce & The Moment * Syvia * Take Me To The Pilot * Tales in Space * Tall Heights * Tall Tales & The Silver Lining * Taylor Berrett * TEAM * The Teen Age * Teen Commandments * Teen Men * Tei Shi * Tennis System * The Young Presidents * The Yum Dee Days * Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! * Tigers and Monkeys * Tiny Eyes * Tiny Victories * Titanics * Tkay Maizda * To The Moon * Tom West * Torpid May * Totara Jack * The Toxic Femmes * Toy Cities * Traveller & Fortune * Turtle Giant * Twin Guns * Two Inch Astronaut * Ukulelien * Unbuttoned * Urban Cone * Valley Lodge * Vandana Jain * Vetter Kids * Vince Azure * Vinyl Thief * The Violence * Vomitface * Vulture Shit * Wade & Sons * Walker Lukens * Walking Shapes * The Walking Sticks * Waltz * Wampire * Wandering Downhome * Wannabe Jalva * The Wans * War Poets * Water * Wax Witches * We Were Lovers * Weaves * Weekender * Weird Womb * The Wendigo * Weyes Blood * Whiskey Bitches * White Reaper * White Violet * Wild Adriatic * Wild Yaks * Wildlife * Winstons * WISH * With The People * Without Parachutes * Wolvves * Wormburner * Worthless * Wray * Wrestlers (DJ Set) * Wu Tang Parental Advisory * WV White * Wyland * XERXES * Xylouris White * YAWN * Yin Yangs * Young Buffalo * Your Favorite Enemies * Yung Gutted * Zella Day*
Check out our 2014 coverage of this year’s CMJ artists:
Interview: Bombay Bicycle Club
Photos: The Horrors @ House of Vans
Photos: Reigning Sound @ Brooklyn Bowl
Photos: Moon Taxi @ Brooklyn Bowl
Album Review: Ratking ‘So It Goes’
Interview: Shark?
Interview: SKATERS
Photo Credit: Jeremy Gordon | CMJ 2014